Thursday, November 29, 2012

Return to Alien-Ville

Return to Alien-Ville

A few weeks ago, my family and I went to Roswell, NM, yes, Alien-Ville. I just wanted to share some pictures from our trip. We went to explore Eastern New Mexico University-Roswell. My sister and I have been thinking of attending classes there and we wanted to look it over before deciding.  You will see some alien pictures to follow. I do believe in aliens. Not those little green men that crash landed in Roswell. I believe that Christians are aliens In a very real sense. As far as the little green men, I think they look funny!! I am kinda partial to the color, being born in Roswell and all, you know. I think it is sad what people have made of aliens. They are often idolized, especially in Roswell. I think people know there is someone else out there and they reject the truth. They don't want to believe there is a loving and benevolent God. I think seeing what people have made of aliens can serve a good reminder for us Christians. It can and should remind us that we are not of this earth. This is not our home. We are sojourners (aliens) on this earth (1 Peter 2:11). Far too often we as Christians get complacent and comfortable. We lose sight that we are merely sojourners passing through. We forget that this is merely our track on which we run our race. Far too often we don’t “throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles” (Heb. 12:1).  Aliens can also be a reminder that we need to be active in sharing the gospel. Seeing the depravity and idolization throughout Roswell makes me want to tell them the truth. The sad thing is, it’s not just Roswell. It is all around us everywhere. We are so comfortable in this world that we just don’t see it. I encourage you to live well as aliens If Jesus is your Lord and Savior.  Remember, Jesus Calls us to take up our crosses daily to follow Him. I hope you enjoy the photos.

There was a beautiful sunrise on that day. We left our house in Moriarty around four-thirty or five that morning. Talk about early!

This the sign in front of the new administration building. It is not a very good picture but I posted it more for content than composition.

These are some interesting things around campus. Sorry, no aviation photos. We didn't go waltzing around that part of campus.

We took a stroll around downtown Roswell and went looking at some of the shops. We found this sign in one of the parking lots.

These are the street lights you will see all through downtown. I've always liked these lights since I first saw then when I was young.

Look, alien exist! one crash into this building. Haha, just kidding!! This is on the corner of the International UFO Museum And Research Center.

These are some sights around the Museum. 

Aliens like Coffee? Who knew. 

Roswell is so weird!! You can meet and shake the hand of live aliens.

Our shirts say "El Vato Verde", which means "the green man". I wore this shirt when I was living in Juarez, Ch, Mexico and my friends thought it was funny. I became known at "El Vato Verde" in Guadalajara, Mexico because of this shirt.

Well I hope you enjoyed seeing some of the sights of Roswell. Stay tuned to for more. I plan to take many more pictures around town while I'm living there. Unless something drastic happens, Roswell will be my college town as of January tenth. I am really excited to see what God will do through this new adventure and the certification (airframe and powerplant) that will come of my studies.
Thanks for stopping by,

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